Ray Kreig’s article, “Russian invasion of Ukraine is Europe’s 9-11,” is a prime example of misleading journalism. Sorry, Ray, but your comparison of the Russian invasion of Ukraine to 9-11 is not even close. It’s not only an insulting and asinine comparison but also appears to be a blatant attempt at trolling for clicks. For those who lost family and friends in 9-11, the audacity to equate these two events is infuriating.
Ray, your article was penned as a direct rebuttal to my flippant dismissal of Ukraine as a “nothing burger” during our initial encounter at the Alaska Round Table, an event to which Mr. Donn Liston graciously invited me to. You extended an invitation for me to craft a response; however, I refrained from doing so, out of deference to your seniority and esteemed position within our community. However…

Ray Kreig is known for his terrain and feasibility studies for pipelines, railroads, and highways in Northwestern North America’s permafrost areas. His firm has been pivotal in geotechnical and routing studies for many large pipelines up here. Kreig has also been active in international permafrost research and has worked with the National Academy of Sciences and Polar Research Board.
During his global excursions, Ray appears to have acquired a rather skewed perspective of Russia. He presents his views as a comprehensive account of Russian geopolitics, yet he lacks a true grasp of the context surrounding the ongoing conflict. Compounding the issue, Ray has taken it upon himself to display the Ukrainian flag on the walls of the Alaska Round Table conference room, an action many Alaskans would deem dishonorable.
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Ray Kreig leads R. A. Kreig & Associates, an Anchorage-based engineering and land consulting firm founded in 1975 and located at 201 Barrow St. The firm is known for its terrain analysis, mapping, and environmental consultancy services, including route evaluations, geologic mapping, and airphoto interpretation.
Ray Kreig’s 201 Barrow St. Anchorage, AK 99501
The notorious 201 Barrow St serves as the hub for multiple political organizations, including the office of Michael Chambers, the Alaska Round Table (hosted by Connie Yoshimura‘s husband, Ric Davaige), Chugach Consumers, Media Research Center of Alaska, and perhaps many more.
Chugach Consumers is a group dedicated to protecting consumer rights and improving efficiency in Alaska’s electric industry. The group promotes involvement in Chugach Electric Association elections, provides voter education, and alerts members about important legislation and utility governance. They aim to lower electric costs and enhance service by encouraging informed voting and consumer choice.
Media Research Center of Alaska is a nonprofit that promotes fair journalism by tackling media bias. [citation needed] Founded in 1999, MRCA educates the public and media workers to ensure news is balanced and unbiased. Its education and community programs encourage critical thinking, keeping media users informed and alert.
Is the Russian invasion of Ukraine is Europe’s 9-11?
Let’s break this down. The 9-11 attacks were deliberate acts of terrorism aimed at civilians, designed solely to instill fear and cause mass casualties by cowards who hide behind children during war. It was an unexpected tragedy with no forewarning for the victims.
Putin, on the other hand, had made it clear for weeks that he intended to invade Ukraine. He laid out his objectives, barbaric as they may be, giving the world ample time to react. An honest historical comparison would be closer to Bosnia or the invasion of Poland. But, of course, that wouldn’t be inflammatory enough for Kreig’s narrative.
Historical Ignorance and Propaganda
Ray Kreig, it is imperative that you educate yourself on historical matters and mature in your understanding of the world. Your article lacks coherence and structure, resembling more of a subpar high school essay than a well-researched piece of journalism.
It is plagued with misinformation and bias, presenting a distorted view of Ukraine’s political landscape. Your arguments are misguided and fail to acknowledge the intricate nuances of the situation at hand. Ukraine, contrary to your portrayal, is not the epitome of democratic virtue, nor is it our duty to intervene or safeguard its interests.
American Interests and Foreign Policy Missteps
Ray Kreig’s assertion that the U.S. has a national interest in transforming Russia into a functioning democracy is laughable. The U.S. has spent trillions on misguided foreign adventures with little to show for it. Ukraine is not a strategic ally, nor is it a member of NATO. Our involvement should be minimal at best. The corrupt regime in Ukraine, with its history of shady dealings (remember Hunter Biden’s Burisma job?), does not merit our support.
NATO and European Failures
NATO’s expansion eastward has been a contentious issue, and while Kreig acknowledges Russia’s security concerns, he fails to appreciate the realpolitik at play. The Monroe Doctrine is a perfect analogy—spheres of influence are still very much a reality. Europe’s failure to develop its own military defenses and energy independence has led to this debacle. Why should the U.S. keep bailing them out?
Azov Battalions and Ethnic Cleansing
Let’s talk about the Azov battalions and their crimes in the Donbas region. Mass graves, ethnic cleansing, and the destruction of the Crimean water supply canal by Ukrainian forces paint a far more complex picture than Ray Kreig’s one-sided narrative. The 95.5% vote in Crimea to join Russia wasn’t a mere formality—it was a reflection of the region’s preferences. Yet, Kreig conveniently ignores these facts to push pro-war agenda.
Zelensky’s Ties to Corruption
Ray Kreig’s hero, Zelensky, is not the paragon of virtue he portrays. Zelensky’s ties to Soros and the World Economic Forum are well-documented, despite Kreig’s dismissals. Zelensky has also imprisoned political opponents, a fact Kreig fails to mention. His pivot away from global elites, should it happen, is purely opportunistic. Releated: The Preventable Murder of Gonzalo Lira
Bio-Labs in Ukraine
The police action in Ukraine has been the subject of fervent scrutiny and examination, with experts and commentators dissecting numerous facets. Yet one significant issue that has been largely overlooked by Kreig is the presence of bio-labs within the country. The existence and true intentions of these laboratories necessitate an exhaustive inquiry, given the alarming implications for biosecurity and the potential creation of biological weapons.
U.S. leadership’s perceived weakness and corruption likely influenced Putin’s assertive police actions in Ukraine. Corruption undermines U.S. foreign policy credibility and as it indicates influence by special interests, like Soros.
The key issues in Ukraine’s crisis, including biological warfare, leadership, and corruption, have global implications and must not be overlooked in assessing the situation, Ray. To disregard these factors is to render an incomplete portrayal of the obstacles confronting both Ukraine and the global community at large.
The Reality of Russian Military Strength
The idea that we can simply turn a ‘Bird’s Eye View‘ to Russia’s extensive nuclear capabilities is not just foolish, it’s downright stupid. The fact that Ray Kreig seems to overlook this critical issue is cause for serious concern. Russia is a major global power, and its nuclear arsenal is a central element of its military might. With an estimated 6,375 nuclear warheads, according to the Federation of American Scientists, Russia has the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons in the world. This is not a matter to be taken lightly.
Ignoring Russia’s nuclear capabilities could be dangerous for global security. Russia sees its nuclear weapons as a deterrent and a symbol of its superpower status. Dismissing this perspective overlooks the complexity of international relations and the balance of power among nuclear-armed states.
Ray Kreig’s failure to recognize the importance of Russia’s nuclear arsenal is particularly worrisome given the current geopolitical climate. Tensions between Russia and the West have been escalating, and the potential for misunderstanding is high. In such a context, it is imperative that we carefully consider Russia’s perspective and approach the situation with a level of respect for their capabilities.
To avoid disaster, we must negotiate with Russia, recognizing their worries and aiming for win-win solutions. This demands insight into their stance and a readiness to compromise. Only then can we keep peace and avert a global nuclear catastrophe.
Once again, we must not be naïve about Russia’s nuclear arsenal. Ray Kreig’s oversight in this area is a red flag indicating he should probably be ignored. We must approach the situation with a clear-eyed realism, understanding the gravity of the threat and the importance of considering Russia’s perspective. Only then can we hope to avoid a catastrophic escalation that could imperil us all.
Missteps in Addressing Ukraine’s Situation
We are now at a critical juncture where the discourse on nuclear threats demands a reassessment. With humanity reaching unprecedented heights in its development, the potential for catastrophic destruction is beyond comprehension. It is no longer acceptable to ignore this pressing issue and assume that the existing strategy of channeling vast sums of American resources to Ukraine is effective. The necessity for a transformative shift in our approach is not just pressing, but of the utmost importance.
Looking back at historical examples, we can see that concessions from both sides are not only possible but necessary. Take, for example, the situation in Austria in 1955. After years of occupation by allied forces following World War II, Austria declared its neutrality. This was a result of negotiations and concessions from both the Soviet Union and the Western powers. The Austrian State Treaty was signed, and foreign troops were withdrawn. This move not only secured Austria’s independence but also contributed to stabilizing the region.
Another prime example is the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. The world was on the brink of nuclear war when the Soviet Union placed nuclear missiles in Cuba, just 90 miles from the United States. After 13 days of intense negotiations, President Kennedy and Premier Khrushchev reached an agreement. The Soviet Union would dismantle its weapons in Cuba, and in exchange, the US agreed not to invade Cuba and to remove its missiles from Turkey. This compromise averted what could have been a catastrophic conflict.
These examples show that dialogue and negotiation can lead to peaceful resolutions, even in the face of nuclear threats. Yet, the longer we avoid coming to this conclusion, the more we risk the lives of countless individuals. The world has already witnessed the devastating effects of nuclear weapons in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The loss of life, the long-term health consequences, and the environmental destruction are reminders of what is at stake.
The Role of the U.S. Military and Domestic Issues
It appears that the military has been placing a significant emphasis on social issues, such as diversity and inclusion, rather than focusing on its primary mission of ensuring military readiness and national defense. While diversity and inclusion are important values to uphold, some argue that the military’s primary focus should be on training, equipping, and preparing our armed forces to respond to threats and protect the nation’s interests.
This shift in priorities is particularly alarming given the current global political climate. With rising tensions between world powers and the increasing complexity of international relations, it is more important than ever for the U.S. military to be at the top of its game. The military must be ready to respond to any threat quickly and effectively, whether it be from traditional adversaries or new, non-state actors.
Furthermore, the U.S. military’s engagement in Ukraine under the current administration is suspect. Many believe that the risks of such involvement outweigh the potential rewards. The situation in Ukraine is complex and fraught with potential pitfalls, including the possibility of direct confrontation with Russia. The U.S. must carefully weigh the benefits of engagement against the risks of escalation and the potential for drawing the country into a protracted conflict.
The primary mission of the armed forces is to protect the nation and its interests. While social issues are important, they should not overshadow the military’s focus on readiness and defense. It is crucial for the U.S. military to reassess its priorities and ensure that it is prepared to meet the challenges of the modern world. Only then can it effectively safeguard the nation and its citizens.
Europe’s Responsibility and Historical Context
Europe’s current crisis is a direct result of a series of poor decisions made over the past several decades. The continent’s leaders have failed to prioritize the importance of energy independence, leaving them vulnerable to external pressures and market fluctuations. This lack of foresight has put Europe in a precarious position, where they are reliant on imports from other countries, many of which have their own geopolitical agendas.
Moreover, Europe’s military defenses have been neglected, leaving them ill-equipped to handle potential threats. The continent has become complacent, relying on the security umbrella provided by the United States through NATO. This over-reliance on American intervention has led to a weakened European defense infrastructure, with many countries failing to meet the recommended defense spending targets set by NATO.
The consequences of these bad decisions are now being felt across the continent, as Europe faces a myriad of challenges, from energy shortages to security threats. The current crisis serves as a wake-up call for European leaders to take charge of their own destiny. It is time for Europe to invest in sustainable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, to reduce their dependence on foreign energy. Additionally, European countries must increase their defense spending and work together to strengthen their military capabilities.
Europe has the potential to be a global powerhouse, but they must learn from their past mistakes and take decisive action to secure their future. Only by solving their own problems and reducing their reliance on perpetual American intervention can Europe truly thrive and stand as an equal partner on the world stage. The current crisis is an opportunity for Europe to come together and chart a new course, one that is based on self-reliance, cooperation, and a shared vision for a secure and prosperous future.
The Hypocrisy of American Leaders
The comparison of Zelensky’s situation to American corruption, including Biden’s weak leadership, underscores the hypocrisy. Zelensky’s ties to global elites like Soros and Schwab are undeniable, despite Kreig’s attempts to downplay them. The impact of Biden’s weak leadership on global events, including Putin’s actions, cannot be ignored.
So, basically…
Kreig’s article is a misguided, inflammatory piece that does more harm than good. Ukraine’s plight is tragic, but it’s not an American problem to solve. Europe must take responsibility for its own backyard. The U.S. has enough on its plate without getting entangled in another protracted conflict. If Kreig is so passionate about Ukraine, perhaps he should join the fight himself rather than spouting rhetoric from the safety of his desk.
Kreig’s article misses the mark on multiple fronts. It’s time for a more pragmatic approach to international relations, one that recognizes the complexities and avoids simplistic, inflammatory comparisons. Let’s focus on what truly matters for America and ensure that our actions abroad are guided by wisdom and strategic interests.