The Double Life: Virtue Signaling vs. Narcissistic Abuse
Sarah Short presents a carefully crafted public persona that many fall for at first glance. To some, she’s a virtuous, self-sacrificing individual, supposedly dedicated to helping others and improving her community. Yet, for those who come to know her more intimately, a dark truth emerges: her narcissistic and manipulative tendencies undercut any semblance of goodwill. Her virtue signaling is a smoke screen for the emotional and social terrorism she inflicts on those who dare to challenge her or simply happen to cross her path.
Sarah Short isn’t just any landlord—she is a master manipulator who knows how to use slander as a weapon. When Cathianna first met her, Sarah had seemed almost too good to be true, offering help and support for her project for women and wellness. Cathianna really just wanted a house to rent for the effort of housing around eight women: Several from villages, a few from Anchorage and visiting wellness trainers in her network (volunteers from all over Alaska,). But when she tried to set boundaries, Sarah’s true nature emerged.
A Personal Reflection on My Experience with Sarah Short
Sarah Short is a classic bully. As one of her targets, I’ve experienced firsthand her relentless drive to control and retaliate. The name Sarah Short seems synonymous with chaos in many people’s lives. She seems to be proud of being a nuisance when she chooses to be.
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These on-going articles aren’t just a recounting of what happened to me, but a collection of stories from victims like Cathianna, who have encountered Sarah’s vicious character assassination and had their lives upended by her lies and manipulation. Lying slander is her weapon of choice.
I’ve seen firsthand how she operates, and recently, I heard from Cathianna, another victim of Sarah’s slanderous tactics and underhanded manipulations. Her story, much like my own, is one of trust shattered, boundaries violated, and a vindictive desire to control and destroy. Cathianna’s experience with Sarah mirrors the same troubling patterns I encountered, and it’s time to shed some light on this situation.
Cathianna’s Story: A Devastating Encounter with Sarah Short
Once quoted as saying after months of slanderous text messages: “Thanks for letting me rent space in your head“. She enjoys doing this to people. Misery loves company. According to Cathy, “Sarah is a person in extreme unrest… a powder keg that can go off at any of her internal disturbances… Like many others, I initially tried to believe her veneer of caring and responsibility even though I noticed that it was unnatural. If you have ever watched someone try too hard to be accepted… that was her. It was awkward. But since I was not going into business with her, just renting her house, I didn’t think much of it. I thought I could be friendly, kind and have my rental and business boundaries even though she lived just two doors down. I soon realized that beneath the false identity that she presents was someone hellbent on the destruction of any opposition. Most alarming was she kept our agreements open and then later twisted conversations and assumed ideas in her own mind.”
“I’ve had my share of run-ins with manipulative people, but this person —Sarah Short — is so bizarre that it was really hard to believe anyone can behave dishonestly, without remorse and for no good reason, but then portray to the community just the opposite. She appears to not have no conscience but presents herself as someone who cares. The truth is she doesn’t know how to care. Something is deeply, psychologically wrong with Short. The level of destruction she is willing to wage in her “social-war” efforts is simply appalling.”
“She’s also willing to switch on a dime and appear as the victim… sort of going into a weak limp right in front of you. These types of people don’t have normal feelings and they are miserable no matter how much they smile or how many social events they attend. I observed her as suffering from extreme fear that she projects on people around her and then accuses them of the potential problem going on in her head. Her brain is more a “projector” than a processing organ. The things she was afraid I would do… she accused me of and then concocted elaborate stories to try to make them real. I think they call it paranoia. The crazy thing is that she does this in professional, political and charitable circles. That’s what makes it so bizarre. She can’t be content staying out of everyone else’s business and then letting her “projector” run wild. I think they call it.. a busy-body in other people’s affairs. If she would stop running around and get into a psychologist’s office… things might get better for her. But, that wouldn’t be any fun. Destroying others is entertaining to her. She is cruel.“
“I had to witness all this with her for the six months I had to deal with her. She is a criminal. I watched her lie over and over to anyone who would listen: Police, committees, judges, neighbors and professionals. And those who buy into or support it… well… I call them accomplices whether they are complicit or not. I found out many Anchorage professionals are either ignorant to her devices, or corrupt enough at heart to allow it to continue or even act upon it. For some community members, they find it amusing how willing she is to attack and rip apart victims… like a rabid bulldog that they like to watch when she is “unchained.”. It’s gross.”
How It All Began: Meeting Sarah Through Facebook
Cathianna first encountered Sarah Short through a Facebook ad for a rental property. The ad was for a five bedroom house renting at $3000 a month. She was looking for a safe space where they could rest, talk things out and learn. Sarah portrayed herself as someone who had a mission aligned with that of Cathianna’s – to help vulnerable women in Anchorage. Little did Cathianna know that this initial meeting would unravel into months of bitter attacks, manipulation, attempted control, and social sabotage and attempted control.
In Cathianna’s words: “She came in, told me she knew why I was there. That God had told her on the way to meet me that she was to rent to me. She said she knew that I was going to work with women who were homeless and in recovery and that ‘she was ” in.’” Sarah came across as overly helpful, almost too enthusiastic. She offered the house for Cathianna’s group and constantly suggested ways that she could help, from offering personal assistance to sharing resources. “All that in the first few sentences,” said Cathianna.
At first, Cathianna was thankful for Sarah’s generosity. It seemed that Sarah had a genuine heart for helping others, just as Cathianna did. However, it wasn’t long before Sarah began to cross boundaries and try to control. The first red flag came early. Sarah’s forceful claim to know exactly what Cathianna was planning, along with an almost messianic declaration that she was meant to be involved, struck an odd chord. As a professional, Cathianna was cautious but chose to give Sarah the benefit of the doubt. After all, they were supposedly aligned in their mission to help women and it was just a rental relationship. However, it didn’t take long for the relationship to turn antagonistic.
Sarah’s Manipulation Tactics and the Early Red Flags
Within weeks after the rental agreement was signed, the cracks in Sarah’s facade became evident. She started trying to assert control over the house and the residents, inserting herself into their lives under the guise of “help.” What began as friendly offers quickly turned into aggressive involvement, with Sarah trying to dictate how the care of the women should be run. She was slandering her to the women who lived in the house when Cathianna wasn’t around. She forced her to make a decision. Cathianna kindly, but firmly, asked Sarah to stop coming over and interfering. What followed was a bizarre and unsettling escalation. Sarah, who had initially seemed so supportive, became hostile. The woman who had offered so much help now turned vindictive, marking the beginning battle that would be drawn into court.
“Sarah drove her truck into the driveway up to the house at high speed,several times, just to harass the household. She illegally entered the house many times when no one was home.” In retaliation against Cathianna, she refused to fix things that needed repair at the house in a reasonable time. “Once, the front door did not lock for a week and had to be blocked with a chair to keep it closed. Her “love bombing” and virtue signalling quickly turned into hatred and retaliation.”
Love bombing, a common tactic used by narcissists to secure loyalty and control, is often characterized by excessive flattery and seemingly generous offers. In reality, it’s a tool to entrap the victim. For Sarah, these gestures weren’t about building trust—they were about establishing dominance.
Sarah soon began to criticize and undermine the women in the house, speaking ill about them to one another and sowing division. “It was clear she thrived on drama and conflict, often creating it where none existed.” Cathianna tried to ignore it, constant insults and accusations by text. and unwanted visits in the house yard, but eventually Cathianna had to have an attorney send her a cease and desist letter.
“You just don’t believe that someone would stoop to this behavior. I think she sees herself as a private detective and social advocate.”
The Offer to Leave: Rejected and Retaliated Against
Sarah sent text messages suggesting they move or telling Cathianna to just “get out”. After five months of tension and growing unease, Cathianna made the decision to leave, She emailed Sarah a reasonable offer to mutually terminate the year lease—a gesture she thought might bring peace. Instead, Sarah responded with venom.
“I sent Short the offer to end my lease six months early. She responded with a text saying it was laughable. (Even though she had suggested I leave for several months.). She literally told me that I don’t get to just leave—she has to evict me so it goes on my record. It appears that no one gets to reject Sarah… she has to reject them and if they do.reject her… they are going to “get it”! It reminds me of the song.. “I’ll bust the windows out your car”. It’s the same dynamic.”
The level of vindictiveness in Sarah’s response was shocking. She had no intention of letting Cathianna leave peacefully. Instead, she wanted to ensure that the departure would be as damaging as possible, with a formal eviction on her record. This was retaliation, pure and simple. Sarah’s wounded ego demanded that she punish anyone who rejected her, and in this case, that punishment came in the form of legal manipulation.
Cathianna was shocked at how bitter she was. She had expected some resistance but not this level of aggression. Sarah didn’t just want her gone—she wanted to publicly tarnish her reputation. As the legal battle unfolded, Cathianna realized that Sarah’s primary motivation was punishment not resolution. Even though she had paid the full $3,000 in rent for last month, Sarah was determined to force her out in the most damaging way possible and make everyone move out into the cold.
The Eviction Scheme: A Fabricated Court Battle
The next step in Sarah’s plan to sabotage Cathianna’s life came swiftly. The very next day, a notice was posted on the door—a 48-hour demand to vacate the property. The notice was riddled with baseless accusations, including claims of drug use, despite the fact that the household was home to three women, one of whom was developmentally disabled, and a caregiver awaiting surgery. Cathianna has devoted much of her life to helping people in need, particularly those struggling with trauma. She was serving some of the clients that came from a variety of backgrounds in the Anchorage and outlying areas.

Sarah’s goal was clear: to weaponize the court system against Cathianna. She fabricated complaints and accusations to bolster her case, hoping to paint herself as a victim of unruly tenants.
Despite Cathianna’s clear argument, Sarah was determined to leave a mark. In the courtroom, she was direct about her intentions: “She told the judge that she didn’t want Cathianna to just leave; she wanted this on her record, and wanted the whole community to know.” Sarah’s sole purpose was not just to evict her, but to ensure that she would carry the stain of an eviction, a permanent scar on her reputation and to stop her from working in Anchorage.
“She took my rent check March 2nd for $3000. and then put a notice on the door for a 48 hr eviction. When the judge told her she couldn’t receive the money and then evict us. Sarah responded like a victim in a little girl voice, (My daughter is in jail for a long time on drug charges and I am raising her daughter. I’m struggling financially and need the money). It’s called fainting to fain. The hearing was basically over at that point.” Cathianna recalls. “It’s called fainting to fain. She told the judge how forlorn she was and that she needed the money. The judge told her that she couldn’t take the benefits and kick people out at the same time… That should have been apparent but Sarah is blinded by rage and ambition. It narrows her brain function. She doesn’t think things through most of the time. Meaning, she has little common sense, though appearing intelligent. She often told me that she has to have family or friends restrain her impulses and often will not meet with people over serious matters without someone there to help keep her on the road. People like this are boundaryless, often expecting others or society to draw boundaries for them.”
In Cathianna‘s Own Words
After I sent Short the offer to end my lease 6 mths. early, she responded with a text that it was laughable. Even though she had suggested I leave for several months. She literally told me that I don’t get to just leave, she “has to evict me so it goes on my record.” I have the texts that she sent.
The next day I had a notice posted on my door to get out in 48 hrs. The document was very jumbled in thought but suggested there was drug usage going on there and several other things. All were inaccurate. No one was using drugs at the house. There were three women working, one developmentally disabled one and a care giver for her who was awaiting vital surgery herself.
She was willing to try to put us all homeless in February. She filed an eviction case and proceeded to try to weaponize the Anchorage court system against me. The real reason: I had to ask her not to come over and interfere with the residency of all of us at the house. She was hurt and offended and when that happens… she retaliates with slander and social, emotional, financial and psychological assault. No one gets to reject her… without punishment. She was trying to punish me.
I was at the eviction hearing telephonically, she was there live. Several things were appalling: She completely fabricated about 10 complaints; One was that she often sees people in cars in the driveway at night smoking drugs. (that never happened).
She took my rent check March 2nd for $3000. and then put a notice on the door for a 48 hr eviction. When the judge told her, she couldn’t receive the money and then evict us. She responded like a victim in a little girl voice, “My daughter is in jail for a long time on drug charges. I am raising her daughter who is three. I’m struggling financially and need the money.” The hearing was basically over at that point. But the self-centered narcissistic person that she is was willing to take that money for her needs and put us all out on the street.
The judge told her that I had already sent an offer to move in 30 days and that she suggested that she take that and do this peaceably. She suggested that Short may not like how she was going to rule. Short gavre up the mission to punish me and try to hurt my reputation.
As I was nearing my move out date, Short threatened to come over three times that month. before I left. I had to let her know that I had the court order that she was to leave us alone and that I would have her arrested if she came over. I also had security people watching property in case she came over with a weapon or started harassing us at the house.
She is a bitter and miserable person who has no boundaries or real care for others, but has developed a sophisticated act that mimics care. A professional virtue signaler. She is one of the worst ones I have encountered in a lifetime of observation and service to many communities.
I think she views herself as a Joan of Arc defender of the truth, commissioned to bring people to task on issues. This is why she is so attracted to politics. It is her swan song dance of a lifetime of misery as a person. It reminds me of a rabid bulldog on a leash that (when let off the chain) is willing to go after anyone she targets. I noticed she is proud of this attribute. I believe that the social system in Anchorage is exploiting her for this negative attribute of not caring about the consequences of her attacks, lies, fraud and slander. Shame on anyone who listens to her barking and accusing and those who use her to tear people’s lives apart. These people are accessories to her social, emotional and financial crimes. These miserable people feed off of this kind of drama. They will reap what they sow. Those are the natural laws.
I have since seen the development of many hidden pods of women to continue the work of healing for women in homeless situations. These groups are private, hidden operations that are free and distanced from those who exploit homeless people for money or recognition. They cannot be found, nor disturbed. I will continue to support them and help the efforts to grow. It works. What Short criticized and tried to tear apart simply multiplied and went into safety.
Sarah’s behavior in court was as manipulative as ever. She wove a sob story about her daughter’s incarceration and financial struggles and lied about the whole situation, attempting to play on the judge’s sympathy. It was a transparent attempt to justify her actions, but the judge saw through it. Though Cathianna could have pursued more legal action, she chose not to drag the situation out further. Stating that “She has a life and a group of women to proceed with her work here.” Short’s desire to punish Cathianna for daring to set boundaries was relentless, a pattern she has repeated with others.
Sarah’s Lies in Court: Exploiting the Legal System
“In court, Sarah fabricated multiple complaints about the household. From claiming she saw people smoking drugs in the driveway to alleging misconduct inside the home, her accusations were false. She even stated that she saw drugs on a dresser in the house when she came through with her insurance agent.” Cathianna told the judge that she recorded the entire walk through, which would have included recording the rooms and dressers. Sarah was banking on the court’s willingness to believe her exaggerated claims.
The only witness that she had was a woman who stayed in the home just before Cathianna started the program who allegedly relapsed for a few days while staying there with her mother. “This witness was also manipulated and coerced by Sarah.” Fortunately, the woman was able to overcome her addiction and spent over a month with Cathianna’s group, staying clean. “She was able to reunite with her estranged children and was stable enough to move into her own apartment with them.” Her mother told Cathianna that after coming through the house program, it was the best she had seen her in years. “That was Sarah’s manipulated star witness. But the eviction hearing wasn’t going to bring in witnesses… it was going to get dismissed.“
This was classic Sarah Short —using peoples struggles and her sad story to justify harming others. Her ability to switch between the roles of victim and aggressor allowed her to manipulate the legal system to her advantage. But, this judge saw through it.
Short’s Weaponization of Pity and Victimhood
One of Sarah’s most effective weapons is her ability to garner sympathy. She frequently invokes her personal hardships—her daughter’s drug addiction, her financial struggles, and her own past traumas—to manipulate those around her. This behavior is particularly dangerous because it allows her to sidestep accountability. When challenged about her behavior Sarah doesn’t engage in rational debate or self-reflection; instead, she plays the victim.
Cathianna noted this pattern early on: “She is quick to solicit pity. Quite a professional at that. I did not supply any. It’s an enabling behavior that I have learned to avoid. She didn’t like that.“
Sarah’s victimhood narrative is carefully crafted to disarm those who might challenge her behavior. By constantly positioning herself as the wounded party, she shields herself from criticism and deflects responsibility for the harm she causes. Sarah plays dirty from the first play in her game.
Social Isolation and Sabotage: Short’s Destructive Slander
The damage caused by Sarah’s actions wasn’t limited to the eviction. One of Sarah’s most insidious tactics is her use of slander to isolate her targets. Once Cathianna made the decision to distance herself from Sarah, the slander campaign began in earnest. Sarah spread lies throughout the community, painting a false picture of what had occurred at the rental property and trying to tarnish Cathianna’s reputation.
Sarah started calling as many community people as she could to slander Cathianna. Including the Hope Center in downtown Anchorage that serves the community of homeless women. She made numerous calls to the director, Sherrie Laurie, gossiping about and accusing Cathianna to a listening ear. “The problem for [Sarah] was that many of these people spoke with me [Cathianna] about it later. Except for the Department of Corrections Highland Women’s Mental Health lead, Olga Levy, who never called after receiving the accusations and threats. Never investigated, just received Sarah’s dribble.“
“She was slandering me to people I had never even met,” said Cathianna. “It was like she was on a mission to destroy me. What was so odd is that I kept meeting some of these people and they would tell me what was going on… Many people see what she is doing but she continues to act out on others who haven’t figured it out yet. I have sent letters out to all important organizations in Anchorage to brief them about this case. They are aware now. When I called the ones I needed to, I told them that my former land-lady is very emotionally unstable and to watch for her concerning these things, including the police department. I described her as pretty hysterical, much like the boy who cried “wolf”.
“She hid the trash can that I rented from Alaska Waste. I had left it there to pick up when I moved out. I took a picture of it because I knew she would do something to try to punish me for defeating her in court. Sure enough… She tried to run up my bill with the company. I called them, sent the court case info and my statements and the photograph. They closed my account and did not charge me. But, to this day, she may be snickering when she sees her stolen trash can, thinking she pulled something over on me. Honestly, I told her once that I felt like I was pulled into 7th grade to be in this dynamic with her. Such pettiness”.
Sarah sought to stop the business relationships and funding that Cathianna had for her residents. She could have put many out on the street if Cathianna would not have fought for them to stay and then taken the time to move the group into a new option. Cathianna had relocated back into Alaska in 2023 to do this project after spending time in the states taking care of her elderly parents. She was willing to operate on a simple budget, not gouging the government and city budgets allocated to help people. Cathianna is a rarity in Alaska’s greedy north.
Sarah Short’s Mad Trapper of Rat River Syndrome
Pre-Emptive Pathology: Unraveling Her Need to Control
Sarah’s actions are not random—they stem from a deep-seated need for control. When someone enters her orbit, she seeks to dominate them entirely. Whether through love bombing, slander, or legal harassment, she employs a wide array of tactics designed to exert power over others. She operates like a vindictive Internet hate machine, wielding emotional manipulation as her primary weapon. When rejected, her response is to destroy the person’s reputation, livelihood, and relationships. As Cathianna said: “No one gets to reject her… without punishment. She was trying to punish me.”
In Cathianna‘s Own Words:
I would call the problem that people like Short have (and those who listen to their verbal accusations and assaults without investigating): Those suffering from the Mad Trapper of Rat Creek Syndrome.
He was a guy in the late 1800 who wandered up the highway to the Yukon. A man with inner turmoil that caused him to act out violently on other people. One who sought the unaccountability of the great north in order to live a life violating normal, healthy boundaries… without scrutiny. In modern day Alaska, I see this constantly in people like Short..
Unhealthy people with secrets inserting themselves into the lives of others where they don’t belong. People willing to destroy another person’s life. There are even organizations in Anchorage whose employees and members behave as though in Alaska… you can shake a hand, wink and eye and do whatever you want.
The Mad Trapper was eventually stopped by the brave RCMP. An end was put to his struggles. Unfortunately, Anchorage is a punchbowl with many of these people in it… asserting themselves inappropriately. Like Short. No wonder Anchorage is the most violent city in America. The kind of violence Short unleashes on others are lying, slanderous accusations to anyone she considers an opponent. She will assault their families, personal and business connections. She comes across as intelligent, but lacks common sense and all discipline of self control.
While looking for a place to rent where I could bring women who needed a quiet place to rest, be encouraged or recover from a variety of struggles… I found Short’s ad on fb for her 5 bedroom house. She came in, told me she knew why I was there. That God had told her on the way to meet me that she was to rent to me. She said she knew that I was going to work with women who were homeless and in recovery and that “she was in.” All that in the first few sentences. I speak fluent Christianese so I could communicate with her. I later realized that she could only speak a bit of Broken Christianese.
Then she told me about her victimhood: what assaults she had gone through and that her daughter was a homeless person experiencing drug addiction. She stated that she would gladly throw her daughter under the bus to save people she was selling drugs to. My friend and I told her not to say that. She stated that her daughter said that she, Sarah Short, was her problem. (Her daughter was arrested for drug sales within about a month from that day.). Short would try to speak with the residents who came out of Highland to ask them to try to convince her daughter in jail to put her on the visitation list if they had to go back to prison. Her daughter had refused to see her or allow her to come in. Short was creating drama in the house. She is quick to solicit pity. Quite a professional at that. I did not supply any. It’s an enabling behavior that I have learned to avoid. Many people have noticed in meetings that she is quick to tell you her misfortune, even when it is not appropriate and seeks to set up special treatment for herself. I think it is subconscious. Nevertheless, it is highly manipulated and I noticed many around Anchorage fall into the trap and become accessories to her social crimes. Her friendship circle seemed to be wounded enablers and a few partners in “crime” with similar dysfunctional tendencies. It reminded me of the movie: Natural Born Killers.
I observed that she assumes things quite often. She also misses information coming from communication and constantly jumps to conclusions. You might call it pre-emptive pathology. In short, she is out of control. She continued to “love bomb” me with lots of offers to help me. I was cautious because it was a bit too much, but I was trying to be polite. I wanted a quiet life without drama. It became apparent that Short thrives on drama. In fact, I think she is addicted to other people’s drama or creating it in order to avoid the facing her own life trauma.
I observed that she is mostly a miserable, unhappy person who is willing to make other’s lives miserable without mercy. It is very sad.
I have noted that she has taken on the persona of a “Joan of Arc ” for social and political organizations and is professional at virtue signaling. The political arena is a prime place for quick interactions where she can dance her swan song of: Being an overt narcissist, vacillating between being the victim to… being the perpetrator. From what I have seen across a large section of human beings for many years… she fits the narrative of some wounds in childhood, perhaps even jealousy within the family where she might not have felt as important as she was. From there, behaviors develop and loving parents often enable them, actually creating and growing the narcissistic personality.
I tried to include her in on some visits at the house, but she was socially clumsy, loud, dominating, sarcastic and kind of painful to be around. Once, she brought her Suburban over to pick up the ladies to go to church. So I went along. We went to New Season. One of the ladies went under a roped off area at the church on the way out and a man came and tried to stop her… She ran off. Being a survivor of physical abuse, she was upset that he touched her. But she later apologized for causing a scene. In the car, Short listened to the story of what happened and when I hopped in, she accused the man of grabbing the woman’s behind. This is the story that she told me. That he touched her inappropriately. I quickly jumped back out of the car in that church parking lot and said… “I will go to get this man or a supervisor so we can talk to them”. This is what balanced people do. Short tried to stop me by backing out of the issue. I told her, if you have an accusation, let’s investigate and take care of it right here… A director came out and addressed it. We told her we were willing to come back to discuss it further if they needed to. The woman in the car said, he did not touch my behind, it was my shoulder.
I came to realize ,over time, that Short belongs to a self appointed group of forever victims with protected status. This group is self entitled to accuse anyone who they think does not understand rape or abuse to the degree that they think they should… . Look, I understand trauma. But, we all need to process, heal and become healthy people after all of that. It takes time, but we don’t just get to do collateral damage to people who get in our path along the way. There is no permanent protected status for victimhood. That is an indulgent excuse that I have seen people with personality disorders use to stay sick. Innocent people need to be protected from being run over by their wide load of other-destructive behavior.
They use pity for their advantage or privilege. They often destroy the lives of others because of their misfortune. Like the Mad Trapper of Rat Creek… Short does not seem to have a normal conscience. She does not feel bad about lying or slandering people in public. It is bizarre and dangerous. One thing that I realize is that if she keeps doing this to people, some depressed or discouraged victim of hers might hurt her badly. She is going around assaulting people verbally and using social systems to do so, including courts. To try to destroy a person’s livelihood and reputation is violent and someone may respond back violently. She bullies and bullies always whine when confronted as though they are the victims. We all need to be sensitive and aware of each other’s struggles. There is no excuse for bullying others. Even if you have been a victim of abuse.
Once we were all heading back home, from the church that day, Short proceeded (in front of us 4) to criticize the church: The sound volume, the style of presentation and more. We all responded as to how we enjoyed it. I cautioned her that the people there work very hard to organize, prepare, volunteer and present to the best of their abilities and that it is not wise to criticize, especially openly and so casually.. I have rarely seen anyone so quick to bitterly judge and then… accuse publicly. The red flags were up. I realized that she was not a safe person to have vulnerable women around. No matter how she presented herself or what she offered. She was going to exalt the trauma and try to bond with them that way. Not a good option.
Short had offered several women at the house cash to help her shovel show in the neighborhood. I found out after several weeks that she was criticizing me to the residents… quite a bit One of them told me they didn’t want to help her because they did not want to hear it. Short had ideas in her head of how a woman’s home should be conducted. I wanted a quiet place to share meals with them, learn good things, listen to their personal stories and struggles, pray with them and… be safe through the winter. One, very sensitive woman who had a history of assault and head injury helped carry baked bread with one of our elders down to Short’s home. Short started attacking her right away with accusations. When she returned, she was frightened and I asked her if she was okay. That was when I decided that I could not trust Short with any of the residents or the project at the house.
After about 6 weeks, I had to ask Short not to come over any more. I was very gentle and kind about it, but I told her that her mannerisms and opinions were creating drama and stress. And well… it’s not ethical for her to try to turn the women against. me. I told her she and I could get together and talk more, but not the group.
This is where I found out (as I suspected) that no one tells Sarah Short “no”. It was like she was overly on board and she offered all of her things up to try to be a part of what I was doing. When I had to draw boundaries… She was ready to destroy me. She proceeded to slander and gossip about me to many in the community. She called the Department of Corrections (who had placed several people with me for up to 3 months). She went forward to shut down referrals and income to the household. I was able to keep functioning, but was a bit late on rent for several months, and had to pay late fees of hers. However, I had vulnerable and precious women to get through the winter so they could find more permanent housing. I completed my mission, despite her onslaughts.
She called Olga Levy, Mental Health side of the Highland Center. I don’t know if she threatened them legally.
But I do know that she told them an assortment of lies. The strange part is… Levy never called to investigate or inquired about the situation. This seems to be a habit of many organizational members of groups and corporations in Anchorage. They behave like a small town where it’s who you know and are not as professional as I would have expected. I saw a lot of abuse of power during my investigation of the homeless services in town. The stories I heard about the Highland Correctional Center… that’s another story.
My attorney sent a cease and desist order to Short. She got quiet and left me alone for several months, but was still gossiping and slandering about me. And then started harassing me with accusing and complaining texts. I asked her to stop. Asked her to email me. Her communication was extremely childish. She is childish.
Short would come over when the women were outside shoveling and try to complain to them. Many had never met her. I had to tell every new resident or volunteer: “We have a landlady just a few doors down who is very emotionally unstable. She may accost you on the street or even show up here. Just be polite, do not answer her questions. Refer her to me and ignore her.” They would laugh because she was ridiculous. It was pathetic.
She tried to interfere with the reasonable use of the property. Speeding into the driveway with her truck, she could have hit someone. She shut the electricity off once with no notice, she was outside the house and just shut it on and off a few times. And she came into the house when no one was there many times. Which is illegal. I didn’t speak with her for the last 4 months of my 6 mth. residency, only texted. She constantly accused me by text and I replied, stop texting. Email me. She would not. I had four different wellness trainers come and stay during the six months, they helped me and covered any absences. They saw it all.
Short kept trying to get me to leave and move. I told her after the new year, I could look into that. I had just gotten there. By mid February, I sent her a notice/ offer to terminate the one year lease with the contingency that we would both not make disparaging remarks about each other in the community after the termination. She laughed at it and told me, “You can’t just move, I am going to evict you”. After 3 months of her asking me to move. It was that old syndrome: “You don’t get to leave me peaceably, I have to reject you”. She feels like has to win. I think her theme song is “Bust the Windows Out Your Car”. It’s like Borderline personality behavior.
Her need to control is so pervasive that even when someone offers to leave peacefully, as in the case of Cathianna’s proposed early lease termination, Sarah refuses to let go without exacting punishment. This pathological need for control is a key characteristic of individuals with narcissistic tendencies. This same pattern of destruction and manipulation has been evident in every interaction I’ve had with her, as well as others who have crossed her path.
One of the most alarming aspects of Short’s behavior is how she weaponizes her own victimhood to gather sympathy and manipulate those around her. “Many people have noticed in meetings that she is quick to tell you her misfortune, even when it is not appropriate and seeks to set up special treatment for herself,” said Cathianna.
Mad Trapper Syndrome
Sarah’s behavior can be understood through the lens of what Cathianna has coined “The Mad Trapper of Rat River Syndrome.” It’s hard not to draw parallels between Sarah Short’s behavior and that of the infamous Mad Trapper of Rat River—a man from the late 1800s who wreaked havoc across the Yukon. Both individuals displayed signs of deep-seated psychological turmoil, resorting to violence, whether physical or social, to control and punish. Both desire to live without accountability. No one got to confront this mad trapper or they would “get it”! He was destroying the lives of people who crossed his path…until they finally stopped him.”
As Cathianna insightfully put it: “People like Short have what I would call the Mad Trapper of Rat Creek Syndrome. Unhealthy people with secrets inserting themselves into the lives of others where they don’t belong. People willing to destroy another person’s life.” …
“We who are victims of assault (for example)… Physical, sexual, reputation, emotional, mental etc. Don’t get to self assign themselves into the group of permanent victims. We don’t get to act out on others without consequences. We don’t get to use that as a “protected status” as to why we are exempt from punishment. We don’t get special privileges and hall passes to hurt or run over or dominate others without consequences.”
“A responsible person will move from victim to survivor and hopefully to overcome. This mad trapper was murderous and tormented. He tried to head to the wilderness because he did not do well in society. He hurt people. He was hunted down and stopped… permanently.”
Short’s willingness to fabricate stories, twist the truth, and manipulate those around her without consequence reflects a dangerous pathology that goes unchecked in society. Her behavior is not just an individual issue—it’s part of a larger culture of abuse and exploitation in places like Anchorage, where people like her are allowed to operate without accountability. Sarah operates with impunity, believing that her personal struggles give her the right to violate the boundaries of others. Like the Mad Trapper, she inserts herself into situations where she doesn’t belong, creating chaos and leaving destruction in her wake.
Short’s Delusions of Self-Righteousness, a “Joan of Arc Complex”
One of the most unsettling aspects of Sarah Short’s behavior is what can be described as her “Joan of Arc Complex.” This delusion of self-righteousness makes her believe she is on a crusade to expose wrongdoings and enforce her own moral code, often at the expense of those around her. Much like Joan of Arc believed she was divinely chosen to save France, Sarah sees herself as a savior, justified in her actions regardless of the harm they cause.
From the start, Sarah inserted herself into Cathianna’s life as if she had a divine calling. She claimed that God told her she should rent her house to Cathianna to support her mission of helping women in need. What initially appeared to be an act of kindness quickly turned toxic. Sarah’s need to be in control meant that her “help” came with strings attached—manipulation, judgment, and domination over the very people she was supposedly trying to aid. Cathianna noted that Sarah created tension in the household, going so far as to criticize and accuse the women she was meant to support. Instead of fostering a safe and nurturing environment, Sarah thrived on drama and control, using others’ vulnerability to bolster her own sense of importance. She was quick to create a scene anywhere and slander others at whim.
A key element of Sarah’s complex is her tendency to position herself as the advocate for social justice. Even when she is the aggressor. She regularly weaponizes her personal difficulties to deflect blame and avoid accountability for her harmful behavior. This martyrdom narrative allows Sarah to paint herself as a misunderstood hero, even as she systematically destroys the reputations and lives of those she targets. Her attacks are not seen as malicious in her eyes, but as necessary actions in her moral crusade.
Sarah’s belief in her moral superiority enables her to justify slander, sabotage, and manipulation. Whether in her personal life or in the political arena, Sarah frames her destructive behavior as righteous, often accusing others of wrongdoing to divert attention from her own misdeeds. She presents herself as a virtuous figure, crusading for justice, while in reality, she manipulates and controls those around her. This delusion of self-righteousness, or “Joan of Arc Complex,” blinds her to the reality of her actions. Anyone who challenges her becomes an enemy, and in her mind, deserves the full brunt of her retaliation.
Sarah Short’s Joan of Arc Complex is not just a personality flaw—it’s a dangerous mindset that harms those around her. Her belief in her own moral superiority leads her to attack and manipulate others while maintaining the image of a selfless savior. This pattern of behavior has caused emotional, social, and financial damage to people like Cathianna, who have been caught in her web. Sarah’s delusion of righteousness continues to enable her to evade accountability, making her a threat to anyone who crosses her path.
Tactics of Abuse: How Sarah Short Uses the System
Manipulating the Anchorage Court System
Sarah Short is a master manipulator, particularly when it comes to exploiting the legal system. She has repeatedly used the Anchorage court system as a weapon, filing frivolous lawsuits and making baseless claims to punish those who cross her. Her ability to twist legal proceedings to her advantage is a key aspect of her abuse.
Slandering to Sabotage: Targeting Reputations and Livelihoods
Slander is one of Sarah’s primary tools of destruction. Whether in court, in her social circles, or through direct contact with her victims’ employers, she spreads lies designed to undermine reputations and livelihoods. In the case of Cathianna, Sarah’s slander could have led to the collapse of her program for vulnerable women.
Cathianna explained how Sarah’s slander affected her: “She called around to my funding sources, including the Department of Corrections, to shut down my funding. I lost $3,000 a month, and that hurt a lot of women who could have been helped. I was taking three women at a time from the prison who were willing to come and share their lives so that they could transition into their own places. Dozens did. And then the Dept. of Corrections got scared off by Sarah. Apparently, they believed her accusations. This is where Sarah’s actions transcended personal conflict and began harming the broader community.”
Infiltrating the Social Circles: Gathering Allies to Destroy Opponents
Sarah’s manipulation extends beyond her immediate victims. She infiltrates social circles, gathering allies who unwittingly become complicit in her abuse. Many of these individuals are themselves victims of Sarah’s love bombing, flattery, and manipulation, drawn into her orbit by her charm and charisma.
Once she has secured these allies, Sarah uses them as pawns in her larger campaign of control. They become tools for furthering her agenda, spreading her lies and helping her to isolate her victims.
Cathianna recounts, “Just before I moved out of her house, Sarah called my friend/business advisor (who was there when I first looked at the house and helped me get started) and asked her if she would come help her do what I did but better at the same house. My friend called and told me how bizarre the proposal was. My friend was there for me as an advisor. Short looks for dissension , she tries to sniff it out. She was trying to seduce my friend like a jealous person. It was super creepy. Betrayal seems normal to her.”
Cathianna’s Survival: Standing Up to Sarah Short
The Cease-and-Desist Order: Attempting to End the Assault
In an attempt to stop the onslaught of harassment, Cathianna’s attorney sent a cease-and-desist order to Sarah Short. For a time, it seemed to work. Sarah stopped the harassing texts for several weeks, although the community slander continued.
Continuing Her Mission Despite Short’s Attacks
Despite the challenges posed by Sarah’s attacks, Cathianna remained focused on her mission. She continued to provide support to the vulnerable women in her care, ensuring that they had a safe place to stay through the winter. Her resilience in the face of Sarah’s manipulation is a testament to her strength and dedication. She currently is involved in the private development of women’s safe groups in Anchorage.
The Power of Private Support Networks: Cathianna’s Resilience
One of the key factors that helped Cathianna survive Sarah’s onslaught was her private support network. These hidden pods of women, operating outside the public eye, provided a crucial source of strength and solidarity. They represent a counter-force to the destructive behavior of individuals like Sarah, offering a safe haven for those who have been harmed by narcissistic abuse. “The homeless industry in Anchorage has a lot of dysfunction and corruption. And too many people like short exploiting their plight for personal recognition or financial gain. I was appalled at what I saw,” Cathianna stated.
She is developing practical options for Anchorage.
“It works more organically this way…” she says, “and it protects the identity and development of each woman. They don’t need to be exploited by people like Sarah or organizations that may have internal influences of the same nature. These women have been through enough. I noticed that Sarah has self assigned herself to a status of permanent victim. That’s why she entitles herself to perpetrate hate on others. People can go from victim to survivor/overcomer with care and guidance. Short teaches people to use their victim status to strike back at society.“
Connecting My Own Experience with Cathianna’s
Parallel Stories: How Sarah Turned Against Me
Cathianna’s experience echoes my own struggles with Sarah Short. I, too, have been on the receiving end of her slanderous attacks. In my case, Sarah spread false rumors and accusations so absurd it would be laughable if it hadn’t nearly cost me my life. I was nearly run over by a woman who believed Sarah’s lies, convinced I was some sort of monster. The moment Short perceives rejection, her immediate reaction is retaliation. She begins a campaign of lies, slander, and fabricated accusations. My encounters with her have shown the same patterns of narcissism and aggression.
Sarah’s pattern is always the same—get close, offer help, and when things don’t go her way, turn on you with a vengeance. In Cathianna’s words, “She uses slander like it’s nothing,” and she has no qualms about destroying someone’s reputation, even if it means spreading dangerous falsehoods. I’ve had my own battles with Sarah in court too, where I had to fight back against her lies. Like Cathianna, I’ve seen how Sarah thrives on creating chaos and using legal systems to further her agenda of control. But it’s not just the personal attacks—it’s the way she damages the work we’re trying to do for others.
When I set boundaries with her, I too became a target of her destructive behavior, much like Cathianna did. “She is a bitter and miserable person who has no boundaries or real care for others, but has developed a sophisticated act that mimics care. A professional virtue signaler,” as Cathianna described her, and it couldn’t be more accurate.
Sarah’s ability to create drama is unparalleled. She thrives on chaos, using it as a means of controlling those around her. Whether through slander, manipulation, or legal threats, she weaves a web of destruction that entangles everyone in her path.
The Larger Issue: The Abuse of Power in Anchorage
The Anchorage Punchbowl: A Culture of Unchecked Narcissism
What Sarah has done to Cathianna and I isn’t isolated to our personal conflicts. Sarah’s behavior affects the broader community, particularly vulnerable individuals who depend on the work her and I do.
Similarly, when Sarah targeted me, it wasn’t just about tarnishing my name. Her actions were meant to undermine the positive work I was doing for others in the community. By spreading lies and manipulating the people around her, Sarah isn’t just creating chaos for the sake of it—she’s actively damaging the fabric of our community.
Cathianna and I are just two examples of people who have been impacted by Sarah’s behavior, but the ripple effects are far more extensive. There is a string of people in her wake including her family, as validated by her daughter’s comment on my blog in August of 2024.
This is her “homeless daughter” speaking
I have been waiting years for someone, anyone to see this womans manipulative ways. She has lied openly about me and to me every single chance she has ever gotten. She did make that facebook and then TOLD ME AND MY SISTER (Jennifer Goodwin Whites blood daughter that she adopted) that her mom, my aunt, was actually alive, she watched us cry for an hour. seriously. she is extremely abusive and has used any means necessary to control those around her.
Anchorage’s “Most Violent City” Status: The Real Causes
Anchorage, Alaska, is a city known for its stunning natural beauty, but beneath its serene landscape lurks an undercurrent of violence—both physical and psychological. Anchorage’s status as one of the most violent cities in America is often attributed to external factors such as poverty or substance abuse. But there’s a deeper issue at play: the culture of narcissism and entitlement that permeates the city. People like Sarah contribute to this culture of violence, using emotional and social manipulation to harm others.
Sarah Short’s behavior is dangerous, and it’s not limited to personal vendettas. Her actions have the power to ruin reputations, destroy funding for essential programs, and harm the people who depend on those services. But we can stand against her by exposing her tactics and protecting ourselves and our community from further harm.
Cathianna’s story and my own illustrate the lengths Sarah will go to in order to control and destroy others. But we can’t let her win. As a community, we need to stand strong, call out her manipulative behavior, and ensure that people like Cathianna can continue their good work without fear of being sabotaged by someone like Sarah.
The Role of Enablers: How Short’s Allies Contribute to the Harm
Sarah’s behavior is enabled by those around her—people who either don’t recognize her manipulations or are complicit in them. Whether through inaction or active participation, these enablers help Sarah continue her campaign of destruction. They are accessories.
Enabler: | Reasoning: |
Holly Sheldon Lee | Continues to help Sarah Short file Frivolous Restraining Orders against this author, in addition to filing one herself. |
Terry Drake | Buys into whatever narrative Holly Sheldon Lee and Sarah Short are pitching in the given week, including but not limited to that “this author distributes pornography on Facebook“ |
David Heag | Complicit in this toxic femininity which was fueled by my agency’s success in dramatically improving his efforts to hold the Supreme Court accountable. (We fired him over it.) |
Thomas Garber | Continues to show up to these failed Domestic Violence petitions against this author because he “wants to know why his friends are fighting“, but outright refuses to review the case paperwork. |
Michael Chambers | This perverted painter got really butt hurt when the Alaskan Independence Party tossed him and his buddy Ric Davidage out of party leadership. (This author now South Chair for the AIP) Encouraged Sarah Short’s legal efforts. |
Ric Davaige | Close associates with war-mongering Bush Republican Ray Craig, host of the Alaska Roundtable, and Connie Yoshimura‘s husband. Showed up as witness to one of the many stalking petitions filed by Sarah Short to make a fool of himself. |
Ivan Hodes | An angry communist Jew with serious identity problems following political opportunism in any attempt to end Rep. Eastman’s career, likely associates with Scottie Perkins; attempted to help Sarah Short with stalking petitions and cancel culture campaigns. |
Scottie Perkins | Sounds like flaming homosexual Jew; currently working for Jones Bedinger, LLC who has Martin Burzynski as Attorney of Counsel. Burzynski worked closely with Bill Weimar, former halfway house king, to beat child-sex charges while still under the supervision of federal probation officials. Coincidentally Sarah Short served on Governor Tony Knowles’ privatization committee; and it’s well established that Bill Weimar and Tony Knowles were friends. Scottie passed the bar and volunteered his legal standing to help Sarah Short, but still lost accordingly. |
Dustin Darden | Sought to live stream and record the one of the many stalking petitions filed by Sarah Short; was told to leave the courtroom. Attempted to enlist the support of private investigators to aid Sarah Short in ruining this author. |
Sen. Shelley (((Steiner))) Hughes | Directly contacted Holly Sheldon Lee and Sarah Short, coaching them on how to file requests for restraining orders; gloats on live-stream about her friend Carol Carman (who married a pedophile) suing a journalist (which we host) and having this author served with restraining order petitions she helped prepare. |
Scott Stansbury | Conspired with Holly Sheldon Lee and Sarah Short to completely wreck months of work, braking thousands of back-links and articles to the Alaska Grand Jurors’ Association website; shutting down a functional petition system and replacing it with a sneaker-net style operating procedure to collect signatures. Sarah Short attempted to use him as a expert witness. |
A Call to Stand Against Emotional Terrorism
Why Sarah Short Must Be Exposed
Sarah Short’s behavior is not just harmful to her immediate victims—it’s a threat to the entire community. By exposing her actions, we can begin to dismantle the systems that allow individuals like her to operate unchecked. Sarah Short’s actions aren’t isolated incidents—they’re part of a larger, disturbing trend where individuals with unchecked power and deep psychological issues can inflict harm on others without consequence.
The terrifying aspect of Sarah’s behavior is the casualness with which she engages in her manipulative tactics. In Proverbs 19:9, it says, “A false witness will not go unpunished, and whoever pours out lies will perish.” Sarah’s lies have caused harm, but they will not go unchallenged. We must stand strong, hold the truth, and continue the good work we set out to do—despite the attacks of those who seek to destroy.
The Fight for Accountability in Alaska’s Systems
The Anchorage legal system, along with social and community networks, must be held accountable for allowing people like Sarah to use them as weapons. Until these systems are reformed, individuals like Sarah will continue to abuse them for personal gain. With each story that comes to light, it becomes more apparent that the battle against individuals like Sarah Short is not just personal—it’s societal. People like Short thrive in systems where they are allowed to manipulate, abuse, and retaliate without repercussions. If we do not stand up, more lives will be destroyed in the wake of their chaos.
Cathianna’s Final Word: Overcoming Abuse and Reclaiming Power
Despite the harm Sarah inflicted, Cathianna has emerged stronger. She continues to fight for the vulnerable women she set out to help, and her resilience serves as an inspiration for others who have been targeted by narcissistic abuse. As Cathianna pointed out, “Operating around Anchorage is Sarah’s sick swan song dance after a lifetime of misery as a person. Her current state is one of stage four emotional cancer because she refuses to get treatment and overcome her emotional pain. Her performance of a lifetime: To destroy people at will. It’s a sad ballet.“
We, as fellow Alaskans must be vigilant, recognize these people/behaviors for what they are and stand together. Help one another, support the humble, call out the lies. Bullying is never okay!”
I’ve never met this person, but I was a witness to her constant threats and slandering of my friend Cathiana. I can attest there was absolutely no drugs in that household and it was kept spotless. I had to write a character witness to the judge to confirm that Cathiana followed all the rules and was very professional throughout the constant threats and intimidation tactics. I do hope the people in charge of helping the less fortunate wake up and realize its not always sbout money. All the women Cathiana has helped are thriving because all they needed was a chance to feel safe.