On Fake Devotion to the Constitution: Unraveling the Dark Legacy of the 14th Amendment

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The era following the American Civil War is often romanticized as a time of westward expansion, cattle drives, and lawless mining towns. But what many fail to recognize is the significant impact of the Reconstruction era on the United States, particularly through the actions of the Radical Republicans who controlled Congress at the time. Led by individuals like Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Sumner, these politicians sought to humiliate and subjugate the defeated South, treating it as conquered foreign territory.

One of the lasting legacies of this period is the 14th Amendment, which was passed under questionable circumstances and has had far-reaching implications that continue to affect our society today. The 14th Amendment is responsible for landmark Supreme Court decisions such as Roe v. Wade, the recognition of homosexual rights, the rise of feminism, erosion of religious liberty and free speech, the spread of critical race theory (CRT), and the push for transgender rights.

Now, in a deeply hypocritical move, some constitutional scholars are attempting to use the 14th Amendment as a weapon to keep former President Donald Trump off the ballot. Despite never having been charged or convicted of inciting a rebellion and having successfully defended himself against two impeachment trials, Trump is being disqualified based on interpretations of the 14th Amendment. This level of hypocrisy would have been unimaginable just a few years ago.

However, it is crucial to recognize that the 14th Amendment was illegitimately approved and violated Article V of the Constitution, which outlines the process for passing amendments. This fact is conveniently ignored by constitutional scholars who fear being labeled conspiracy theorists or racists for questioning the amendment’s validity. But the historical record is clear, with statements from U.S. presidents, senators, congressmen, individual legislatures, and media outlets revealing the dubious nature of the amendment’s passage.

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The current constitutional crisis, which has been ongoing since the country’s inception, should be seen as an opportunity to address the root causes of our problems rather than merely trimming branches. The Deep State’s relentless attacks on Trump should serve as a wake-up call to safeguard our voting rights and fundamentally correct the errors that have plagued our nation for far too long. The 14th Amendment has become a malignant tumor within our body politic, devouring our freedoms and distorting the intent of our founding documents.

Critics may argue that the 14th Amendment was approved by three-fourths of the state legislatures, thus meeting the requirements for ratification. However, this argument overlooks the fact that the Southern states were not permitted to seat their elected officials until they met certain conditions imposed by the Radical Republicans. This violated both the process for passing amendments and the clause in Article V that ensures equal suffrage in the Senate for all states. The Southern states were effectively coerced into approving the amendment under the threat of continued exclusion from the Union.

Furthermore, the passage of the 14th Amendment sets a dangerous precedent, as it allows territories and commonwealths like Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands to potentially influence the approval of future amendments. This notion is absurd and contradicts the principles of representative democracy. Any attempt to seek their approval for constitutional amendments would rightly be dismissed today, highlighting the inconsistency and flaws in the original passage of the 14th Amendment.

In light of the recent Dobbs decision, which overturned the mass murder of unborn children through abortion, it is imperative that we use this constitutional crisis as an opportunity to address the root causes of our problems. The Deep State’s relentless pursuit of power and control should not be underestimated. As Trump himself has stated, “They are not after me, they are after you. I only got in their way.

It is time for us to examine the dark legacy of the 14th Amendment, question its legitimacy, and work towards a more constitutional and just society. We must not be afraid to challenge the status quo and demand a return to the principles that our nation was founded upon.

The 14th Amendment, passed under questionable circumstances during the Reconstruction era, has had far-reaching implications that continue to shape our society today. Its illegitimate approval and violation of Article V of the Constitution warrant a critical examination of its validity and an opportunity to address the root causes of our nation’s problems. This constitutional crisis should serve as a wake-up call to safeguard our voting rights, correct longstanding errors, and restore the freedoms that have been eroded over time.

“And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

John 8:32

As we navigate the challenges of our time, let us not forget the importance of upholding the principles enshrined in our Constitution. The 14th Amendment’s dark legacy should not go unexamined, and we must strive to restore the integrity of our founding documents. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and remember that the pursuit of truth and justice is a never-ending journey.



Q: What is the 14th Amendment?
A: The 14th Amendment is an amendment to the United States Constitution that was passed in 1868. It grants equal protection under the law to all citizens and prohibits states from denying individuals their fundamental rights. However, its passage and subsequent interpretation have raised questions about its legitimacy and its impact on various social and political issues.

Q: How has the 14th Amendment influenced Supreme Court decisions?
A: The 14th Amendment has been interpreted by the Supreme Court to protect a wide range of rights, including the right to privacy (Roe v. Wade), the recognition of homosexual rights (Obergefell v. Hodges), and the protection of free speech and religious liberty. Its broad language has allowed for evolving interpretations that have shaped American jurisprudence.

Q: What is the Deep State?
A: The term “Deep State” refers to a perceived network of unelected officials, bureaucrats, and influential individuals who hold significant power and influence over government policies and decisions. Critics argue that these individuals operate behind the scenes and work to undermine elected officials and maintain their own control over the political landscape.

Q: What is the Dobbs decision?
A: The Dobbs decision refers to the recent Supreme Court case Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which challenged a Mississippi law that banned most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. The Court’s decision to uphold the law marked a significant shift in the abortion debate and has reignited discussions about the legality and morality of abortion in the United States.

Q: What can individuals do to address the issues raised by the 14th Amendment?
A: Individuals can stay informed about the historical context and implications of the 14th Amendment, engage in open and respectful discussions about its validity, and support political candidates and organizations that prioritize constitutional principles and the restoration of individual freedoms. It is also essential to exercise one’s right to vote and be actively involved in the democratic process.

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