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Sarah Short’s Outrageous Rant: A Case Study in Irony and Hypocrisy

Sarah Short, evER tHE SELf-pROClAiMeD guARdiaN OF EThICs ANd InTegRiTy, recently took to social media with a wild diatribe aimed at the Alaska Independence Party (AIP) and the Republican Party. Her post, dripping with paranoia and unsupported allegations, is a perfect example of the pot calling the kettle black. Sarah’s Wild Claims Here’s a taste […]

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Ray Kreig’s Article on Ukraine is a Deliberate Distortion

Ray Kreig’s article, “Russian invasion of Ukraine is Europe’s 9-11,” is a prime example of misleading journalism. Sorry, Ray, but your comparison of the Russian invasion of Ukraine to 9-11 is not even close. It’s not only an insulting and asinine comparison but also appears to be a blatant attempt at trolling for clicks. For

Ray Kreig’s Article on Ukraine is a Deliberate Distortion Read More »

Scandal in the Snow: Downfall of Michael Chambers and the Fight for Ethical Politics in Alaska

In a revealing exposé, Cean Stevens chronicles her tumultuous journey as a political candidate in Alaska, facing deceit and manipulation at the hands of her own campaign manager, Michael Chambers. Stevens, driven by a desire to represent the everyday Alaskan away from the career politician model, encountered severe obstacles that marred her political ambitions. Hi

Scandal in the Snow: Downfall of Michael Chambers and the Fight for Ethical Politics in Alaska Read More »

Slanderous Sarah Short’s Slander of Local Automotive Shop

In the small community of Anchorage, where everyone knows each other, Slanderous Sarah Short, known for her role as Treasurer with Taku-Campbell Community Council and Blogger for Alaska Grand Jurors Protest Group, finds herself at the center of a storm as she engages in a defamation campaign against a local family-run Automotive business, and this

Slanderous Sarah Short’s Slander of Local Automotive Shop Read More »

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