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Anchorage Election Filing Season Begins: Jenny Di Grappa Throws Her Hat in the Ring for Mayor

In a surprising turn of events, Jenny Di Grappa, the chief of philanthropy and community relations at the Food Bank of Alaska, has filed to run for the position of Anchorage mayor. Di Grappa, who briefly ran for Anchorage Assembly last year before dropping out, seems to be determined to make her mark in the […]

Anchorage Election Filing Season Begins: Jenny Di Grappa Throws Her Hat in the Ring for Mayor Read More »

Chris Christie Drops Out of Presidential Race: What This Means for the GOP Nomination? Nothing of value lost.

In a surprising turn of events, former New Jersey governor and Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie has announced his decision to drop out of the race for the GOP nomination. While this may come as a disappointment to some of his supporters, it is important to analyze the implications of Christie’s exit and how it

Chris Christie Drops Out of Presidential Race: What This Means for the GOP Nomination? Nothing of value lost. Read More »

A Stormy Situation: NYC High School Converted to Illegal Migrant Shelter

In yet another shocking display of misplaced priorities, a high school in New York City has been transformed into a temporary shelter for illegal immigrants, leaving American students to resort to remote learning. James Madison High School, which has served as an educational institution for over a century, will now house approximately 2,000 illegal immigrants

A Stormy Situation: NYC High School Converted to Illegal Migrant Shelter Read More »

Global Risks Perception Survey: Climate Change and Disinformation are The Global Risks of Our Time

In the latest Global Risks Perception Survey by the World Economic Forum, climate change and disinformation have emerged as significant threats to the world. With the results of the survey released just ahead of the annual gathering in Davos, Switzerland, world opinion leaders are now more aware than ever of the severe global risks that

Global Risks Perception Survey: Climate Change and Disinformation are The Global Risks of Our Time Read More »

Biden vs. America: William Penn Historic Statue won’t be Canceled by Park Service

In a stunning reversal, the National Park Service (NPS) has decided to backtrack on its plan to remove the William Penn statue from a Philadelphia memorial park. The initial announcement, which claimed that the statue would be taken down to promote inclusivity for Native Americans, was met with fierce opposition from the American public. And

Biden vs. America: William Penn Historic Statue won’t be Canceled by Park Service Read More »

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