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Rethinking Education Funding: Quality Allocation Trumps Quantity

In the realm of education, the prevailing belief has always been that increased funding leads to improved academic performance. However, recent research from the Edunomics Lab at Georgetown University challenges this assumption. It suggests that the way financial resources are allocated holds greater significance than the amount of money invested. Let us delve into the

Rethinking Education Funding: Quality Allocation Trumps Quantity Read More »

Video: Janus Decision & Freedom: Opting Out of Labor Unions – A Retired Teacher’s Perspective

In today’s discussion, we delve into the realm of worker freedom, specifically focusing on the experiences of retired Alaska teacher, Todd Smoldon, who made the bold decision to opt out of his local labor union. This topic gains significance in light of the Janus decision, which granted public employees the right to choose whether or

Video: Janus Decision & Freedom: Opting Out of Labor Unions – A Retired Teacher’s Perspective Read More »

Alaska’s SB 11: A Costly Gamble with Public Employee Pensions

In the ongoing battle for fiscal responsibility, the Alaska Legislature is considering SB 11, a bill that aims to reform the state’s public employee pension system. While pension reform is a necessary step towards addressing Alaska’s looming fiscal crisis, this particular bill raises concerns about its potential long-term costs for the state. Let’s dive into

Alaska’s SB 11: A Costly Gamble with Public Employee Pensions Read More »

Honoring the Legacy of Congressman Don Young: A Tale of Two Resolutions

In the ongoing saga surrounding the renaming of the Port of Alaska, we find ourselves witnessing a stark contrast in attitudes between the Anchorage Assembly and U.S. Representative Brian Mast. While the left-leaning Assembly members are vehemently opposed to renaming the port after the late Congressman Don Young, Rep. Mast is pushing for Young’s name

Honoring the Legacy of Congressman Don Young: A Tale of Two Resolutions Read More »

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