Pete Peterson

Pete Peterson is an Alaskan-based technology and marketing consultant with over a decade of experience in web application development. As the Director of Peterson & Associates, Inc., he is passionate about strengthening the tech sector in Alaska by providing quality web applications that give businesses a competitive edge. With a focus on open digital platforms that prioritize freedom and autonomy, he offers a range of services, including website hosting, design and development, managed software services, marketing strategy management, and other technology solutions. By harnessing the power of the internet, Pete is dedicated to helping businesses in Alaska grow and succeed in today's digital age.

Sarah Short’s Outrageous Rant: A Case Study in Irony and Hypocrisy

Sarah Short, evER tHE SELf-pROClAiMeD guARdiaN OF EThICs ANd InTegRiTy, recently took to social media with a wild diatribe aimed at the Alaska Independence Party (AIP) and the Republican Party. Her post, dripping with paranoia and unsupported allegations, is a perfect example of the pot calling the kettle black. Sarah’s Wild Claims Here’s a taste […]

Sarah Short’s Outrageous Rant: A Case Study in Irony and Hypocrisy Read More »

David Eastman Stands Alone: The Lone Warrior Defending Alaska’s Permanent Fund Dividend!

Dear Alaskans, it was called Permanent for a reason… David Eastman, a representative in the Alaska House, is a principled advocate for fiscal responsibility, individual liberties, and traditional values. In a political landscape increasingly dominated by partisan bickering and special interests, Eastman stands out as a politician who prioritizes his constituents’ needs and the state’s

David Eastman Stands Alone: The Lone Warrior Defending Alaska’s Permanent Fund Dividend! Read More »

Alaska School Activities Association Bans Transgenders from Competing Against Girls in High School Sports

In recent news, the Alaska School Activities Association (ASAA) has taken a firm stance by prohibiting transgender athletes from competing in girls’ divisions in high school sports. This decision comes amidst growing concerns over fair competition and the integrity of women’s sports. Let’s delve deeper… Veronica Garcia, a 16-year-old transgender high school runner, made headlines

Alaska School Activities Association Bans Transgenders from Competing Against Girls in High School Sports Read More »

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