Rep. Jamie Allard’s Betrayal: How She Abandoned Alaska Conservatives for Power

Rep. Jamie Allard, coming up for reelection in the Alaska House of Representatives, is a name that should raise eyebrows for anyone who values the principles of limited government, free markets, and individual liberties. Her voting record shows a disturbing pattern of increasing government interference, picking winners and losers, and fostering dependency on state programs—actions that betray the very foundations of conservatism.

Disaster Relief Grants: Expanding Government Dependency (HB345)

Let’s start with HB345, which Allard supported. This bill expands disaster relief grants in Alaska, but don’t let the title fool you. What it really does is further entrench the government into areas that should be managed by local communities and charitable organizations. This kind of legislation fosters a dangerous dependency on government handouts, rather than promoting the kind of personal responsibility and self-reliance that should be central to conservative principles.

Why is this bad? Well, when the government starts offering grants, they are often choosing winners and losers. Instead of letting the free market or voluntary charity address the needs, the state steps in with taxpayer money, expanding its reach into people’s lives.

Juneteenth Holiday: Divisive Virtue-Signaling (SB22)

Allard also supported SB22, which makes Juneteenth a state holiday. Now, let’s get one thing clear—Juneteenth, as a day of historical reflection, has its place. But turning it into yet another official holiday is nothing more than virtue-signaling at its worst. The U.S. already has ten federal holidays, and adding more doesn’t unite us as a nation, it divides us by emphasizing race over our shared national identity. Making it a holiday plays right into the Left’s divisive tactics, where every issue becomes a wedge used to fracture the American spirit.

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Why oppose this? It’s not because we can’t recognize important historical moments, but because elevating this day to a national holiday status promotes the idea that Americans need separate days of independence depending on their race. That’s a recipe for further division.

Carbon Storage Regulations: Selling Out to Global Agendas (HB50)

If you’re someone who values free enterprise and minimal government intrusion, Allard’s vote for HB50 should be deeply concerning. This bill creates a new regulatory framework for carbon storage—essentially a backdoor for Agenda 2030 and global climate mandates to seep into Alaska’s governance.

Supporting such legislation means opening the door to more federal and international regulations in the name of “climate action.” This isn’t just bad policy; it’s a direct attack on U.S. sovereignty and economic liberty. It’s a Trojan horse that invites the federal government and international bodies to meddle in the private sector and dictate how industries should operate.

Forced Contraceptive Coverage: Government Overreach on Religious Freedom (HB17)

One of the most egregious votes from Allard came with her support of HB17, a bill that forces insurance companies to cover contraceptives without any cost-sharing. In what world does it make sense for a conservative to back a bill that forces private companies to violate their moral or religious beliefs? Once again, Allard chose big government over individual freedom, signaling that she’s more comfortable with government mandates than respecting the Constitution and free enterprise.

Why oppose this? No conservative worth their salt should ever support a policy that forces businesses and taxpayers to foot the bill for services that are not only controversial but directly violate the religious convictions of millions of Americans. This is classic government overreach, infringing on individual rights and private enterprise.

Medicaid Expansion: Growing the Welfare State (SB58)

Allard’s support for SB58, which expanded Medicaid coverage for postpartum mothers, is yet another example of her siding with bloated entitlement programs. Medicaid is already a financial black hole, and expanding it only drives Alaska further into dependency on federal handouts. This is exactly the kind of unsustainable spending that conservatives should be fighting tooth and nail against.

Why is this a problem? Medicaid expansion grows the welfare state, takes more money from hardworking taxpayers, and creates a system where fewer and fewer people are responsible for their own health care costs. We need policies that shrink, not grow, the government’s role in healthcare.


Renewable Energy Grants (HB62)

Allard also voted in favor of HB62, which extended a renewable energy grant program that will cost the state millions of dollars per year. This bill pushes the Left’s climate agenda by funding so-called “renewable” energy projects that aren’t sustainable without government subsidies.

What’s wrong here? By picking renewable energy projects as winners, the government is distorting the free market and wasting taxpayer dollars. It’s the government, not the market, determining which energy sources should thrive.

A Pattern of Betrayal

Jamie Allard’s voting record is a disaster for anyone who cares about conservative principles. While she may claim the Republican label, her actions tell a different story—a story of government expansion, dependency, and overreach. From supporting climate regulations to expanding welfare programs, Allard consistently chooses big government over individual liberty and personal responsibility. Alaskans—and Americans—deserve better.


  1. Why is government expansion a bad thing?
    • Government expansion increases control over personal lives and businesses, which stifles freedom and innovation.
  2. Isn’t disaster relief necessary?
    • Yes, but it should come from voluntary charity and local initiatives, not from the state picking winners and losers through grants.
  3. What’s wrong with recognizing Juneteenth as a holiday?
    • While Juneteenth has historical significance, turning it into a holiday feeds divisive narratives and emphasizes racial differences over national unity.

Betraying Conservatives for Power

Jamie Allard’s first betrayal of Alaskan conservatives can’t be overlooked. After first elected, Allard turned her back on Republican values by joining a bipartisan majority caucus, effectively siding with the Democrats in Juneau. This so-called “bipartisan” coalition is nothing but the Uniparty—a collection of politicians more concerned with maintaining power than representing conservative principles.

Allard attempted to justify her shocking betrayal by spinning it as a necessary compromise. But make no mistake—this move wasn’t about compromise, it was about political expediency. She threw her fellow conservative, Rep. David Eastman, under the bus by siding with Democrats to oust him from his committees and even strip him of staff. This kind of behavior shows that Allard is more interested in pleasing globalist elites and advancing the Uniparty agenda than standing up for her conservative voters.

What does this mean for Alaskans?

  • David Eastman was overwhelmingly voted in by his district because of his strong conservative values, yet Allard and her new Uniparty friends disenfranchised his voters by removing him from key committees.
  • By joining this so-called bipartisan caucus, Allard handed over control of the Alaska House to Democrats and moderates, ensuring the leftist agenda will be pushed forward at the expense of true conservatism.

In her turncoat town hall, Allard glossed over the fact that she directly voted for Rep. Craig Johnson as Rules Chair, a move that directly harmed Eastman. The result? Eastman is left with one less staff member than Democrats, forcing him into a situation where his office is severely undermanned compared to all other legislators.

Allard’s support for this betrayal shows that she’s not a defender of conservative principles but a political opportunist. She is following in the footsteps of Kelly Merrick, another Republican who chose to betray her voters in favor of joining forces with Democrats. Alaskans deserve representatives who respect the will of the people—not sellouts who prioritize personal political gain over the values they were elected to uphold.

Key Takeaway: Jamie Allard’s record isn’t one that aligns with true conservative values. If you want limited government, free markets, and personal liberty, you’d better look elsewhere.

Call to Action: If you’re tired of these political games and want to see Alaska returned to its conservative roots, now is the time to act. Vote for legislators that respect the constitution and demand accountability for Allard’s betrayal. Tell them to restore David Eastman to his committees and fight the Uniparty that seeks to silence conservative voices. Jamie Allard must answer for her actions.

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” – Isaiah 5:20

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