Sarah Musgrove-Short Impersonating The Dead: A Tale of Two Sisters

In the cold, unforgiving landscapes of Alaska, the line between truth and deception often blurs under the weight of unresolved mysteries. One such enigma revolves around Jennifer Goodwin White, whose supposed death in 1996 reopened a Pandora’s box that would’ve remain shut until an unexpected Facebook profile emerged in early 2011, rekindling old memories and sparking new theories.

Jennifer Goodwin White’s Cold Case

Nearly 15 years prior to the events that unfolded in 2011, a chilling discovery was made in a Kasilof driveway. A skull and other human remains were found, leading to a forensic examination that concluded they belonged to Jennifer Rachel (Goodwin) White. Alaska State Trooper Jim Stogsdill, an investigator with the cold case unit, confidently stated, “Back in 1996 when they identified the remains of Jennifer White they used two different methods and Jennifer White is deceased according to us” (“Is Jennifer Goodwin White really dead?” February 6, 2011, Peninsula Clarion) The methods included dental records and X-rays, which were believed to be conclusive at the time.

Jen — are you still out there?

Dental records and X-rays are essential in forensic science for identifying victims when visual recognition fails. These records, comprising a person’s dental history, treatments, and distinctive characteristics, act as a unique identifier akin to fingerprints. Forensic odontologists analyze these records against the dental attributes of unidentified remains, emphasizing unique aspects such as tooth shape, alignment, restorations, and other dental work. The effectiveness of this identification method relies on the thoroughness of the available records and the preservation of the remains. When comprehensive records align with well-preserved dental structures, the success rate of identification nears 100%.

X-rays enhance forensic identification with precision, granting insight into dental and skeletal details invisible to the naked eye, such as root patterns, bone density, dental work, and distinctive bone formations. Comparing antemortem and postmortem X-rays enables experts to identify individuals by matching internal features. This technique’s accuracy is further heightened when integrated with dental records, expanding the pool of unique identifiers. Although contingent on the existence of previous X-rays and the state of the remains, X-ray identification stands as a highly reliable methodology in the forensic arsenal.

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Jennifer’s life story was that of a free spirit. After attending Soldotna High School, she married Art White, a man she met at a bluegrass festival. Despite their separation in 1990, the mystery of her disappearance and alleged murder remained unsolved, her life a series of unanswered questions until the Facebook profile appeared, claiming to be Jennifer, alive and suffering from amnesia.

Emergence of Jennifer Goodwin White’s Facebook Profile

In January 2011, a Facebook profile under the name Jennifer Goodwin surfaced with a striking “About Me” section: “It has been a strange 15 years but things are better now. I got knocked on the head and lost my memory for a while but I am happily mostly back to normal, minus most of the last 16 years” (“Is Jennifer Goodwin White really dead?” February 6, 2011). This profile, listing her birthdate and high school graduation year accurately, caught the attention of friends, family, and the curious alike.

The story was captivating; the once “dead” Jennifer was reconnecting with old acquaintances, rekindling friendships, and even reached out to childhood best friend Sonja Williams, who was convinced it was Jennifer. But how was it possible?

Speculations and Skepticism

Kurt Nelson, a high school acquaintance of Jennifer, expressed his astonishment and skepticism upon discovering the profile: “It seemed like I remember hearing she was, in fact, dead” (“Is Jennifer Goodwin White really dead?” February 6, 2011). His interactions with “Jennifer” led him to question the reality of her story, reflecting a broader community sentiment that fluctuated between hope and doubt.

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Authorities, including Trooper Stogsdill, remained cautious, acknowledging the profile but distancing their investigation from it. Stogsdill suggested that “Sarah Musgrove-Short may have created it,” indicating a lack of involvement from law enforcement in the page’s activities (“Is Jennifer Goodwin White really dead?” February 6, 2011). This statement hinted at the possibility that the profile was part of a larger, perhaps personal, attempt by Sarah Musgrove-Short to reignite interest in her sister’s case or to seek closure in her own way.


After losing her sister in this tragic incident, Sarah Musgrove-Short found herself struggling to move on. She felt the need to seek justice. Sarah was upset Jennifer put such an unreasonable burden of raising her abandoned child in order to go party only to get murdered and leave Sarah with everything. Sarah vowed to uncover the truth behind her sister’s death, with even community members noting how they’ve had enough of her going around asking questions.

To do so, Sarah decided to open a private investigation company. She must have assumed that the license would allow her to “legally investigate” the circumstances surrounding her sister’s death. Sarah knew that by continuing to bring up the painful past, she risked alienating old friends and family members who just wanted to move on, so a PI license might protect her property holdings. She was determined to get to the bottom of the mystery, no matter the cost.

The Role of Social Media and Identity

Sarah Musgrove-Short, Jennifer’s sister, never imagined she’d impersonate her own dead sister, but she was at the center of speculation regarding the origin of this profile. Sarah Musgrove-Short’s involvement and the subsequent disappearance of the page added layers of mystery to an already complex case. Sarah’s visit to Jennifer in the Lower 48, coupled with her encouragement for others to connect with the profile, raised eyebrows. The page vanished shortly after its existence became widely known, leading to speculations about its authenticity and purpose.

Sarah Musgrove-Short
Sarah Musgrove-Short

Sarah had always held a lingering doubt about her sister’s death, and the Facebook page was likely her idea. She probably thought, “What if the world believes she’s alive? Would the real killer reveal himself?” She researched every detail about her sister’s life, hoping that this wild hunt would shake the very foundations of the unsolved case.

To the world, Jennifer was back. To Sarah, it was a desperate attempt to stir the waters, to find any clue about the murderer. She even went on to “visit” Jennifer in the lower-48, feeding the intrigue. Every interaction was a performance, one that Sarah hoped would bring out the real killer.

Sarah’s attempt to reignite interest in her sister’s cold case was unconventional, and while it didn’t provide the answers she desperately sought, it served as a haunting reminder – Jennifer Goodwin White may be gone, but she will never be forgotten.

The case exemplifies the complexities introduced by social media into investigations and personal identities. Sherry Turkle, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, commented on the nature of online personas, stating, “We’ve gotten into the habit of looking at a page and seeing a person. We don’t even know the difference“. This observation underscores the ease with which identities can be crafted and manipulated online, casting a shadow of doubt over the authenticity of the Jennifer Goodwin profile.

The disappearance of the Facebook page, following inquiries and media attention, only deepened the mystery. Questions remained about whether it was a heartfelt attempt by Jennifer to reconnect with her past or an elaborate ruse orchestrated for reasons unknown. The profile’s vanishing act left a community in limbo, oscillating between hope for Jennifer’s return and the grim reality of her confirmed death decades prior.

Unanswered Questions and Lingering Doubts

5/7/2024 – Update: The Short’s Lie: Sarah Short’s Shocking Court Confession Reveals Grim Reality Behind ‘Resurrected’ Alaskan Woman Jennifer Goodwin White

Jennifer Goodwin White’s death and the curious case of her alleged online resurrection remained unresolved. The motivations behind the creation of the Facebook profile, attributed by some to Sarah Musgrove-Short, were as enigmatic as the fate of Jennifer herself. Whether it was a sister’s desperate plea for answers, a sophisticated attempt to lure out the real perpetrator, or simply a misguided effort to cope with grief, the truth remained elusive. Sarah went back to her life, but the scars of impersonating Jennifer likely stayed. Sarah Musgrove-Short had likely walked in her sister’s shoes and felt the weight of her absence even more.

The community’s reaction to the profile—from shock and disbelief to cautious optimism—reflected the broader human desire for closure and the persistent hope that, against all odds, lost loved ones might find their way back. Yet, the stark reminder from law enforcement that Jennifer’s case was still a homicide investigation underscored the gravity of the situation and the painful reality that some mysteries may never be fully solved.

In the end, the story of Sarah Musgrove-Short and the Facebook profile claiming to be Jennifer Goodwin White stands as a haunting testament to the power of hope, the depths of sorrow, and the complex interplay between reality and digital personas. It serves as a poignant reminder of the unresolved grief that cold cases leave in their wake, and the lengths to which those left behind might go in search of answers or solace. The echoes of the past, amplified by the uncertain present, continue to resonate, leaving a community and a family forever changed by the enduring mystery of Jennifer Goodwin White.

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2 thoughts on “Sarah Musgrove-Short Impersonating The Dead: A Tale of Two Sisters”

  1. Pingback: Slanderous Sarah Short's Slander of Local Automotive Shop -

  2. Pingback: The Short's Lie: Sarah Short’s Shocking Court Confession Reveals Grim Reality Behind 'Resurrected' Alaskan Woman Jennifer Goodwin White -

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