Rep. David Eastman stands by the Constitution: The Alaska Legislature’s Duty to Vote on Vetoes

Representative David Eastman’s recent call for the Alaska Legislature to fulfill its constitutional duty by voting on the governor’s vetoes is a refreshing reminder of the importance of adhering to the rule of law. In a political climate often mired in ideological disputes and bureaucratic red tape, Eastman’s stance is a commendable effort to bring the focus back to foundational principles.

Representative David Eastman’s Constitutional Call

Today is the last day to schedule the vote and fulfill our constitutional duty to reconsider the legislation vetoed by the governor. We owe it to the people of Alaska and to the Constitution to do so.

Representative David Eastman

The Vetoed Legislation: A Closer Look

The vetoed legislation includes significant budgetary cuts and regulations impacting various sectors:

  1. House Bill 39 & House Bill 41 – $145 Million in Budget Cuts: These vetoes affect the state’s operating budget, with substantial financial implications for numerous programs and services.
  2. House Bill 51 – Refrigerants and PFAS Use/Disposal: This bill addresses environmental concerns but also raises questions about regulatory overreach and its impact on businesses.
  3. House Bill 8 – Electric-Assisted Bicycles: While promoting green transportation, we must consider the broader implications for traffic laws and infrastructure costs.

These decisions have real-world consequences for Alaskan citizens. Budget cuts could lead to reduced services, while environmental regulations may affect business operations and consumer choices. The electric bicycle legislation touches on urban planning and personal mobility.

Standing by the Constitution: The Alaska Legislature’s Duty to Vote on Vetoes

Upon receipt of a veto message during a regular session of the legislature, the legislature shall meet immediately in joint session and reconsider passage of the vetoed bill or item. Bills to raise revenue and appropriation bills or items, although vetoed, become law by affirmative vote of three-fourths of the membership of the legislature. Other vetoed bills become law by affirmative vote of two-thirds of the membership of the legislature. Bills vetoed after adjournment of the first regular session of the legislature shall be reconsidered by the legislature sitting as one body no later than the fifth day of the next regular or special session of that legislature. Bills vetoed after adjournment of the second regular session shall be reconsidered by the legislature sitting as one body no later than the fifth day of a special session of that legislature, if one is called. The vote on reconsideration of a vetoed bill shall be entered on the journals of both houses. [Amended 1976]

A Call to Action for Alaskan Legislators

Representative Eastman’s insistence on adhering to the constitutional mandate is a strong stand for governmental accountability. Legislators must remember their duty to represent the interests of their constituents, not just in their votes but also in ensuring those votes occur as required by law.

Advertisement: The fight for freedom has a price, and for Rep. David Eastman, it's over $250,000 in legal fees. This lawsuit was more than a personal attack – it's a threat to our liberties. Capped at $249.99 per person, your donation to David's legal defense sends a powerful message: we won't back down. Join us in this crucial fight for just 0.68 cents a day. Together, we can keep our constitutional freedoms alive. Lend your support here.

Looking ahead, the outcome of these votes will set precedents for how Alaska balances fiscal responsibility with regulatory measures. It’s a fine line between prudent governance and overregulation.


  1. Why are these votes important?
    • They determine the fate of significant budgetary and regulatory measures in Alaska.
  2. What happens if the Legislature doesn’t vote?
    • Failure to vote would be a dereliction of constitutional duty, setting a concerning precedent for governance.
  3. How can Alaskans influence this process?
    • By engaging with their representatives and voicing their opinions on these issues.

As citizens, it’s crucial to stay informed and engaged with these processes. While legislators have their responsibilities, the public also has a role in holding them accountable. Consider contacting your representatives to express your views on these vital issues.

"Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established." - Romans 13:1. 

Romans 13:1 reminds us of the importance of adhering to our governing structures and laws, as Representative Eastman advocates. Remember, your voice matters in the halls of governance. Stay informed and involved!

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2 thoughts on “Rep. David Eastman stands by the Constitution: The Alaska Legislature’s Duty to Vote on Vetoes”

  1. Pingback: A Constitutional Conundrum: Alaska Legislature's Surprise Joint Session -

  2. Pingback: Rep. David Eastman vs. Uniparty: Fighting for America's Constitutional Soul -

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