Alaska for Alaskans!

“I have sworn, upon the Altar of God, Eternal hostility, against every form of Tyranny over the mind of man”

Thomas Jefferson

The New Aristocracy: A Uniparty

Today, we witness a new aristocracy—a ruling class that lords over us with impunity. They’ve become an open, in-your-face nobility, far removed from the humility and responsibility intended by our nation’s founders. These elites have forgotten that their role is to serve the people with fearful respect, much like the reverence the Bible speaks of in relation to God.

Our government officials must remember that they are not our rulers. They are public servants, and they should act as such. The government exists by the consent of the governed, and it must always be accountable to the people. It’s high time we remind these so-called leaders of their place and ensure they understand the true meaning of public service.

Public Service Means Serving the People!

Our founding fathers envisioned a government that serves its citizens. Service to the people should be rooted in reluctant duty, not an insatiable hunger for power, Representative Kevin McCabe. Unfortunately, we’ve twisted government service into a position of authority, where bureaucrats believe they control our property and rights. This goblin mindset is an affront to the principles of liberty and self-governance.

“I willingly believe that the damned are, in one sense, successful, rebels to the end; that the doors of hell are locked on the inside. I do not mean that the ghosts may not wish to come out of hell, in the vague fashion wherein an envious man “wishes” to be happy: but they certainly do not will even the first preliminary stages of that self abandonment through which alone the soul can reach any good. They enjoy forever the horrible freedom they have demanded, and are therefore self enslaved: just as the blessed, forever submitting to obedience, become through all eternity more and more free.”

C.S. Lewis, on Heaven and Hell

When the government exceeds its authority, it violates our liberties. By delivering transparency and emphasizing that public service is for our benefit, we can regain control and achieve a government that reflects the people’s desires. We need to ensure our government respects its citizens with a healthy reverence. Let’s reinforce to our officials their responsibility to uphold freedom and fairness.

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